What do I need to bring to the Celebration?
For the 108 Sun Salutation Ceremony: sun screen for face, hands and feet, a sun hat, UPF shirt and pants and a water bottle. A towel and yoga mat are optional. For Kirtan: a puff or light jacket. Yoga blankets or meditation cushion are optional. For Half Moon: yoga mat, blankets and a block.
Is there a locals discount?
The celebration is already discounted for all participants. Consider the individual pricing of the events: 108 sun salutations, $30; kombucha and sofa lounge, $15; Ayurvedic community dinnner $25; Live Kirtan music, $30; Half Moon practice, $35 - that’s $135. And add kids yoga for parents, $25.
What is there for my children besides yoga? What about dinner? What ages?
Kids yoga is tailored for kids 11 and under. Kids can eat free at dinner, but there is not a kids menu. If you know that the menu is not to their liking, you may want to bring drinks, snacks, and dinner for them. There is a playground with swings and bars for kids of all ages by the pavilion.
What is on the dinner menu?
There are two options and a dessert. Option 1 is a grain bowl with herbed chick peas, roasted veggies and coconut cilantro chutney. Option 2 is a salad bowl with fresh greens, roasted sweet potatoes and beets, toasted pepitas and a cashew green goddess dressing. The options are100% Ayurvedic.
Why do sun salutations at the summer solstice?
The summer solstice marks the northmost point of the sun in a calendar year. As this time marks the beginning of vigorous growth, and the sun appears to rise and set at the same spot on the horizon over a few days, we show respect and gratitude for all that it does for us while it’s standing still.
What is a sun salutation?
We give homage to the sun with a sun salutation. We start with hands in prayer and continue with a bow, a prostration, an opening of the heart, a lengthening of the spine from bud to root, and then another bow.
What is the sun salutation performed in this ceremony? What are the 10 counts?
We do sun salutation A: 1 inhale arms up; 2 exhale forward fold; 3 inhale raise head, lengthen spine; 4 exhale, jump back and lower down; 5 inhale upward dog; 6 exhale downward dog, 5 breaths; 7 inhale jump to position 3; 8 exhale forward fold; 9 inhale stand arms up; 10 hands in prayer, 2 breaths.
Why do we do 108 Sun Salutations?
A prayer garland, a mala, has 108 beads. Each sun salutation is a bead to be counted and focused on. Over 108, the mind firms, becomes detached from experience, and perception separates from the senses. As reflection dissolves into illumination and memory narrows to counting, the Self is gained.
What are some tips for doing a sun salutation #1 ?
Work on consistent placement of hands in count 2 and feet in counts 4, 6 and 7. Respect your capacity. Try bending knees in count 2 to get palms on the ground. Walk back in counts 4, 6 and 7 until you find a consistent foot placement.
What are some tips for doing a sun salutation #2?
Release pressure on wrists over 5 breaths in downward dog by lengthening the index finger through the top of the lower arm and rotating the arm pits forward. Open the back of the knees and gently push the hip crease upward through the sitz bones. Use the legs to pull the torso up and back.
What are some tips for doing a sun salutation #3?
Practice jumping from a forward fold to plank on count 4 or from down dog to forward fold, on count 7, engaging the shoulders before jumping.
How do I prepare for a Surya Namaskar Mala, 108 sun salutations?
You need to practice to build capacity and a stable mind. If you drift to an asana, you will forget the count! Divide the mala into 9 sets of 12 sun salutations or 6 sets of 18 sun salutations. Practice a set of 12 or 18 until it is effortless effort. Then you only have to do 6 or 9 of those sets!
What if I have to pause during the Mala?
Most people have to stop due to shortness of breath. Add extra inhales like when moving from upward dog to downward dog. If you pause your practice, remain standing and continue the sequence in your mind. And if you can, keep up with breath sequence. Join back in anytime.